Reyn K531491021 Hawaiian Christmas Girls Sundress Blue

Availability: In stock (1)

For 2021, our artists decided to imagine Santa’s post-Christmas vacation to Hawai'i after the busy holiday season. On Christmas day after all the gifts have been delivered, he rents a cozy beach house on the North Shore where he hangs out with his pet dog, piglet, and Nene goose, strums on his ukulele and just relaxes.

While on vacation, Santa finds time to surf with his honu friends, gather up his surfboards with another dog friend (who playfully steals Santa’s slipper), and lay out special gifts for island friends under the Hawai'i grown Norfolk pine and coconut tree. Last, Santa builds a sandman (complete with a smart phone) with sand from Waikiki Beach. Clearly, Hawai'i is Santa’s favorite place to chill. Learn about the making of this print and shop the entire collection here ▸

Product Specs

  • Spooner Kloth ™ - 55% cotton, 45% polyester
  • Reverse print
  • Elastic straps
  • Suitable for children ages 6-8 years old
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